AES is reaching the point of completion with the worldwide Access Control System upgrade for Bank of New York (BONY), a longstanding AES customer. Since early 2000, AES has supported and successfully maintained the Software House CCure 800 Access Control System leading up to the migration to the Enterprise CCure 9000 in order support their worldwide access control system expansion.
The upgrade began in 2014 when BONY reached 5,000 card readers. The first step AES took was conducting a full system audit along with running BIRS (CCURE Advanced Reporting System) in order to evaluate programing inconsistencies and naming convention. The report was then analyzed for all locations in order to determine the new systems that would be put in place in which AES recommended the SAS/MAS architecture.
Transitioning from CCure 800 after they reached the capacity to an enterprise 9000 MAS/SAS system architecture allows them to support the demand for the amount of card readers in the system. There was one master app server put in place and 4 satellite servers distributed worldwide. The upgrade also included replacing over 200 APC panels with iStar & iStar Ultra, an additional future capacity of 5,000 card readers and they are now working on the unification of video to establish one platform for access control and video.